Participants can contact Transdev at 877-725-0569. Providers can contact Transdev at 866-503-9040.
HFS has contracted Transdev to help them manage the NETSPAP program. Transdev receives all your requests for transportation and then determines if they can be approved or if they have to be denied based on the rules given by HFS.
For example, they have to make sure that you have Medicaid, that you have a scheduled appointment, and that you are going for a service that is covered by Medicaid. This process can take a few days so it’s always a good idea to submit your request at least a week before your appointment. If your request is approved, you can arrange your trip with a transportation company that’s enrolled in the program.
You or the HIPAA-authorized person calling for you should begin arranging your transportation at least 5–7 business days before your appointment.
If this is your first time using the service, please call Transdev at 877-725-0569, and they will determine the most adequate mode of transportation for your needs.
You must choose your transportation provider from the list given to you by Transdev or by using the provider lookup tool on this website. If none of the transportation providers you contact can take you to your appointment, you can use the provider lookup tool to find alternative providers or call Transdev back and ask for assistance. If you have a friend or family member who can transport you to your medical appointments, they may be able to enroll as a private auto provider. They should contact the IMPACT Provider Enrollment Services at 877-782-5565 (options 1, 2, 1) or click here for more information.
After you have arranged for transportation with the provider of your choosing, call back Transdev so the request can be approved.
Participants can contact Transdev at 877-725-0569. Providers can contact Transdev at 866-503-9040.
Have the following information available when you call:
- Date of birth, first and last name, and phone number
- Medicaid ID number RIN
- How you have been getting to your appointments before using this service
- If there are medical or non-medical reasons why you cannot use public or other transportation
- Your doctor’s or facility’s name, address, and telephone number.
- Type of service and time of appointment.
- Your pick up and drop off address and details.
- The general reason for your doctor’s visit
- If you use a walker, wheelchair, or cane
- If you can travel by yourself
- The name of your preferred transportation company
As a HIPAA-approved Prior Approval Vendor for HFS, Transdev may need to speak to the referring physician to verify whether this is the closest appropriate provider for transportation purposes.
Note: Transdev does not call the transportation companies to schedule pick up and drop off times.
To qualify for the NETSPAP program:
- You must be covered by Medicaid on the day of your appointment.
- You must have no other way to get to your appointment.
- You must be going to a medical appointment (not shopping or to work).
- Your medical appointment has to be scheduled, or if you’re going for a walk-in visit, we must be able to confirm they take walk-ins.
- You must be riding in the least expensive mode of transportation that meets your needs.
- You must be using a transportation company that is enrolled in the program and provides the mode of transportation that you need.
- You must be going to the closest medical provider that takes the Medicaid card.
- You must be going for a medical service that is covered by Medicaid.
To be approved for non-emergency transportation services, Participants must be transported to an appointment where they receive a Medicaid Eligible Medical Service (MEMS).
Some examples of covered services include:
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation
- Wellness exam, or annual physical exam
- Glaucoma or cataracts
- X-Rays, MRI, CAT scan, or other diagnostic testing
- Blood test
- Hospital admission or discharge
- Sleep study
- Outpatient surgery
- IV infusion
- Gastrointestinal problems
Medicaid Participants have the right to choose any NET provider as long as the provider is currently enrolled with the Department with the appropriate level of transport medically necessary for the Participant on the date of service.
However, according to Illinois Administrative Code, Section 140.491 A, for payment to be made, the transportation service must be to the nearest available provider, by the least expensive mode that is adequate to meet the individual’s need. When public transportation is available and is a practical form of transportation, payment will not be made for a more expensive mode of transportation.
Transdev does not contract with or credential NET providers or their drivers. We do not verify insurance coverage, driver abstract records or perform criminal background checks. Transdev is not responsible for any accidents or incidents that may occur during transport.
When a Participant asks for assistance in finding a NET provider, a random selection process is used to assist Participants with NET provider selection in their area. The list of NET providers is supplied by the Department. This selection process does not favor any NET provider over another.
As a Medicaid Participant you can choose any medical transportation provider that is enrolled with the State of Illinois. However according to Illinois Administrative Code, Section 140.491 A, for payment to be made, the transportation service must be to the nearest available medical provider, by the least expensive mode that is adequate to meet the individual’s need. When public transportation is available and is a practical form of transportation, payment will not be made for a more expensive mode of transportation.
There are several categories of services registered to provide medical transportation:
- Private Auto – Privately owned passenger vehicle (your own car or a friend’s)
- Public Transportation – Buses, train, Metra, CTA
- Paratransit – PACE Buses
- Service Car/Taxi – Passenger vehicle for patients who can be transported safely in a regular car
- Medicar – Transportation for patients whose medical condition requires the use of a hydraulic lift or ramp, wheelchair lockdowns, or a stretcher
- Ambulance
Occasionally, there may not be a transportation company available in your area that is enrolled in the program or that can take you to your appointment.
While most requests can be approved or denied at the time of the phone call, some requests need a longer processing time, such as:
- Appointments to Behavioral Health Services (for example visiting a psychiatrist, going to psychotherapy or other mental health related issues)
- Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech Therapy (ST), and Aqua therapy (AT)
- Long Distance Trips
If you call to request authorization for your trip less than a week in advance, we may not be able to approve your request.
If you have complaints please contact us by phone:
Participant Line: (877) 725-0569
Provider Line: (866) 503-9040